Journey with Master Your Voice by Ramsey Voice Studio Pt. 1
I want to take you on my journey taking the online voice course "Master Your Voice" by Matt Ramsey with Ramsey Voice Studio.
Master your voice by Matt Ramsey [ ] is an online course vocal course that can be used to learn on your own, like I have been using this course, or in addition to in person classes. The online course includes access to skype appointments with Matt himself if you need more help and that one on one time.
This course is broken down in a way that is so easy to learn and practice. I can access it from my computer when I'm at home or from my phone when I'm sitting in the car waiting to pick someone up. I'm only 40% through this course but my voice has improved so much and my confidence to.
Now let me tell you, I am no artist whatsoever. If you're like me and you love to sing along to your favorite songs but hate singing in front of other people, this course is you and me friendly. This course will not only give you the tools to sing better but the confidence to sing no matter who is around or where you are.
I've never taken any type of choir or singing courses before. I was never confident in my own abilities although I loved singing in church and was asked to join the choir time and time again. Even now as an adult I still get asked to join the choir. After I finish this course, I think I will finally take them up on their offer.
A few things I've noticed so far...
Since starting this online course I have definitely become more conscious of proper breathing techniques when singing. It has taken a bit of reminding myself in my head while doing the exercises, "from your diaphragm, from your diaphragm, remember what Matt said". It's some work but it has helped with not feeling shortness of breath while singing.Practice, practice, practice until it becomes second nature.
If i'm going to take away anything from this course and say I really, really needed it and engraved it in my head it's breathing properly while singing. I would have never been able to hold the notes that I can now and not feel short of breath if it weren't for matt demonstrating the way to do it properly.
I may only be 40% through this course but I am holding notes properly and let me tell you, it is such a beautiful feeling. If you're practicing every day even going over lessons and exercises again, you'll notice the difference in your voice just as I have.
I love that these lessons keep me wanting to continue through and do more exercises. In addition the songs chosen for male and female are beautiful 90s songs and 2000s and even current songs like from James Arthur.
This will be part 1 of my journey, come back soon to see how I'm doing and what I have to say about the program in part 2.
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